5 reasons cartel behaviour is bad for business

Healthy competition between suppliers is good for businesses and customers alike. But sometimes suppliers get together and collude. In this blog I'll be covering why that's bad for business.
Healthy competition between suppliers is good for businesses and customers alike. But sometimes suppliers get together and collude. In this blog I'll be covering why that's bad for business.
This blog explains what happens when you report a business cartel to us and the processes we have in place to help protect those who 'blow the whistle' on them.
The risk of director disqualification, to those who break competition law, has never been higher. In this blog we explain what director disqualification is, and how you can protect yourself and your business.
If a company’s staff exchange competitively-sensitive, confidential information – even at just one meeting – that risks a breach of competition law. Learn more about what you can do if approached to join a cartel or to get involved in anti-competitive arrangements.
According to the CMA’s latest research with UK businesses, understanding of competition law is still low, with the majority of businesses still not understanding competition law well.
If you feel you might have witnessed an illegal business cartel, do the right thing and help us stop cartels by reporting them to us on our 'Cheating or Competing?' website. Protecting customers and ensuring businesses don’t collude to distort …
I have two main functions here at the CMA. I head up our Remedies, Business and Financial Analysis professional group and I am our senior champion for Wellbeing and Mental Health. I find both roles challenging and rewarding and each …
Joint ventures have a lot of appeal and for good reason. When businesses join forces they can pool goods, services and funds to help them innovate and achieve commercial success that they couldn’t otherwise do alone. This is especially true …
The CMA has published its latest annual report on the concurrency regime. In a nutshell, concurrency refers to the fact that both the CMA and sector regulators (such as the regulators in the communications, energy, water, aviation, rail, healthcare, financial …
Are you a member of an industry of trade association? If so, you should check you and your association are playing by the right rules. The constitutions, decisions and recommendations of trade associations and how their members behave have …